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Firecracker Frenzy 2024
July 5, 6 & 7, 2024

6 months of planning, 23.1 miles walked, 3 trailer loads, grand entry with 19 flags, 95 riders, 1,235 rides, 3 team events, 1 match race, 66 awards & $35,000 going back to our riders! Wow, what an amazing weekend! Firecracker Frenzy 2024 did not disappoint! First & foremost, I need to thank our amazing board of directors. Without their help none of this would be possible. Jeff, Dennis, Austin, Beth, Lori, Beth, Amy, Candace, Shelby, Catherine, Shannon, Cindy & Honami. These folks worked all weekend to make your Firecracker Frenzy the best it could be!

Our Saturday started out with our grand entry pageant of flags. Your flag carriers were:

American Jennifer Galindo-Cole

California Caylee Lau

Army Elliana Kamath

Marine Alexis Bozarth

Navy Rylin Martin

Air Force McKaela Danze

Coast Guard Amber Stites

POW/MIA Catarina Carranza

Armed Forces Holly Machado

Thin Line Maycee Mullins

Police June Sousa

Fire Kelsey Tarasco

Dispatch Ava Rendon

Corrections Marley Clarkson

Security Brooke Mullins

EMS Ava Rendon

MCSP Lisa Jewett

TCR Amy Alford

American #2 Farrah Botto


Thank you ladies for representing our country and our first responders!

We ran 7 events on Saturday & were done by 3:30. We got to move on to team events! In the Ribbon Race we allowed riders to select their partners, we had 21 teams trying to make it to the pole & back without breaking the ribbon. Our Ribbon Race winners are…..1st place Lisa Jewett & Amber Stites 2nd place Ava Rendon & Devon Naegele. Fox & Hound Speed Barrels was next. This event puts randomly drawn riders together & is always a crowd favorite. Your 2024 Fox & Hound winners are….1st place Wendi Silva & Jennifer Galindo-Cole. 2nd place Kaylee Naegele & Ava Rendon. Lastly we added a new event for 2024, The Cowhide Race. Now, this was exciting. We had so many spectators cheering each time on & even the arena judge & announcers getting in on the fun. Your Cowhide Race winners are Farrah Botto & Rylin Martin with 2nd going to Shylah Ayzman & Amber Stites! After everyone freshened up we headed over to the BBQ(Thank you MCSP). The Spit N Mud Band entertained us while the kids ran stick horse races. By 9:30 almost everyone was back at their camps prepping for Sunday!


Sunday morning brought us some much-needed fog! Being Salinas, it never gets as warm as it does inland, but it was what we call “Salinas Hot.” We quickly ran our remaining 6 events so we could have our SPEED BARREL MATCH RACE! Our top 16 qualifiers for 2024 were:

Jennifer Galindo-Cole

Elliana Kamath

Lisa Jewett

Devon Naegele

Bella Gaynor

Chloe Barnard

Kaylee Naegele

Mia Pennisi

Julia Crossen

Ava Rendon

Randy Barnard

Taron Boyles

Caylee Lau

Maddie Gaynor

Marley Clarkson

Brooke Mullins

It all came down to Devon Naegele & Elliana Kamath who happen to be cousins. Please congratulate our 2024 Firecracker Frenzy Match Race Winner (with a buckle & $200) goes to ELLIANA KAMATH & DNOs STAKE OUT!


Shannon Casci did a beautiful job on the award display. She worked all morning to make it JUST RIGHT & I have to say, it was gorgeous. (Just to recap, we hand out over 25,000 of awards at this show. We had lots of new items this year & hope everyone enjoyed the changes. ) Thank you to our sponsors who made this all possible!

We started our presentation with a thank you to all our judges who spent long hours out in the heat. We then moved on to our famous Overall Sportsman buckle. It was a unanimous decision by the board of directors naming Drew Thomas as our Overall Sportsman. He worked every single event, set up on Friday & tore down on Sunday. We appreciate all your dedication Drew!

These are your Firecracker Frenzy award winners for 2024!


Lead Liner (received a 24” trophy & a bucket of goodies from LA Hearne)

Avery Harp

Lucy Sousa

Nora Massingale

Paisley Arballo


FC 11 & Under Rider Horse

High point Christian Bozarth Reno Tack Set/Award Bundle

Reserve Charlette Jewett Cody Yeti cup package/Bronc Halter

3rd Katartina Carranza Dakota Buckle/Neighative

4th June Sousa Molly Hide Make up Case/Red Tumbler/Reins

5th Brooke Hedberg Chex Mayatex Blanket/1st Aid Kit

6th Lauren Harp Gus Latigo & Off Billet


FC 12 to 34 Rider Horse

High point Piper Young Cowboy Tack Set/Award Bundle

Reserve Kennedi Biondi Sophie Yeti cup package/Bronc Halter

3rd Gracey Blackwell Oscar Buckle/Neighative

4th Cadence Pechan Ginger Hide Make up Case/Red Tumbler/Reins

5th Brooke Ocallaghan Crystal Mayatex Blanket/1st Aid Kit

6th Rachal Cardini Journey Latigo & Off Billet

7th Marlee Mayfield Snickers Makeup/Vet Box

8th Holly Machado Raven Tack Bag/Samples

9th Mia Nanez Spot Hay Bag & Fly Mask

10th Eden Taylor Manny Halter/lead

11th Charlene Blackwell JoJo Hat/Cooler


FC 35+ Rider Horse

High point Janie Strang Ranger Tack Set/Award Bundle

Reserve Joe Elliott Angel Yeti cup package/Bronc Halter

3rd Anita Simoni Sexy Buckle/Neighative

4th Ruth Piper Josie Hide Make up Case/Red Tumbler/Reins

5th Rebekah Crill Pachas Mayatex Blanket/1st Aid Kit

6th Tiffany Smith Charley Horse Latigo & Off Billet

7th Wendi Silva Elmer Makeup/Vet Box

8th Amy Alford Joe Tack Bag/Samples

9th Crystal Wilson Keystone Hay Bag & Fly Mask

10th Amber Stites Luna Halter/lead

11th Jamie Kennedy Calypso Hat/Cooler


A Division Rider Horse

High point Randy Barnard Wrangler Tack Set/Award Bundle

Reserve Farrah Botto Penny Yeti cup package/Bronc Halter

3rd Sissy Shutls Tuff Buckle/Neighative

4th Beth Arabia Charley Hide Make up Case/Red Tumbler/Reins

5th Shylah Ayzaman Duster Mayatex Blanket/1st Aid Kit

6th Patti Pollard Elvis Latigo & Off Billet

7th Hailey Thomas Willie Makeup/Vet Box

8th Giselle Meschi Commander Tack Bag/Samples.

9th Ashley Moreno Patron Hay Bag & Fly Mask

10th Jordi Larson-Sumners Dixie Halter/lead

11th Carley Rhodes Tri Hat/Cooler


AA Division Rider Horse

High point Chloe Segura Agent J Tack Set/Award Bundle

Reserve Caylee Lau Jackie Yeti cup package/Bronc Halter

3rd Julia Crossen Misu Buckle/Neighative

4th Maddie Gaynor Harley Hide Make up Case/Red Tumbler/Reins

5th Sissy Shults Levi Mayatex Blanket/1st Aid Kit

6th Kaylee Naegle Honey Latigo & Off Billet

7th Ave Rendon CeeCee Makeup/Vet Box

8th Autry Fanning Savannah Tack Bag/Samples

9th Marley Clarkson Bailey Hay Bag & Fly Mask

10th Mia Penisi Dusty Halter/lead

11th Taron Boyles Rebel Hat/Cooler


AAA Division Rider Horse

High point Jennifer Galindo Stanlee Tack Set/Award Bundle

Reserve Chloe Barnard Retro rocket Yeti cup package/Bronc Halter

3rd Devon Naegale Sadie Buckle/Neighative

4th Avery Ruddick Bonita Hide Make up Case/Red Tumbler/Reins

5th Elliana Kamath Jack Mayatex Blanket/1st Aid Kit

6th Lisa Jewett Plexus Latigo & Off Billet

7th Bella Gaynor Smokie Makeup/Vet Box

8th Jamie Rojas Stevie Tack Bag/Samples

9th Maycee Mullins Jack Hay Bag & Fly Mask

10th Brody Vieira Spookers Halter/lead

11th Lila Crigger Donkey Kid Hat/Cooler


We also had another special award which was awarded by none other then the legend herself, Joanne Galbraith! Several years ago, Joanne asked to give a special award to the most improved rider. This year it went to Lucy Sousa, one of our lead line riders. This kid is raring to be let loose on the courses next season.


Another perk of riding Firecracker Frenzy is that every single rider is entered into a saddle raffle for not 1 but 2 Galbraith Custom Saddles. This year both saddles were taken back to the same barn….Congratulations Gracey Blackwell & Maddie Gaynor with Connections Riding School!!!!


I want to thank every single volunteer who pitched in all weekend. We could not put on these shows without you. Firecracker Frenzy is quite the undertaking & it has a lot of moving parts. We want your memories of this weekend to be amazing!


Our new season starts August 17th & 18th. We have posted the dates on the website & stay tuned to our Facebook page for more updates. Until then, ride hard, ride fast, wear your helmets & hug your horses!

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